How Teachers Can Have More FUN in the Classroom

Teacher Self-Care Tips

One of the best ways that teachers can protect their mental health is to incorporate more fun into their classrooms! This simple teacher self-care tip can help prevent burnout and increase teacher longevity!

Want to bring more joy into your teaching routine as the school year winds down?

Discover how simple mindset shifts can help you create a fun and engaging classroom environment without sacrificing your educational goals.

In this post, we explore six actionable tips for teachers to lighten up their approach, from finding fun in mundane tasks to managing your thoughts for a more positive experience. 


Six Mindset Shifts for Teachers to Have More FUN

1. WANT to have more Fun (and Believe it is Possible!)

The first step to bringing more fun into your classroom is simply wanting it. While this sounds rather obvious, if you look for what's dreary in education, you will find it!

If you desire a lighter, more enjoyable teaching experience, start by acknowledging that this is possible and looking for opportunities to laugh or even just be amused. Your mindset matters—when you believe that teaching can be fun, your brain will begin to find evidence to support this belief.

2. Take Responsibility for All Your Thoughts and Emotions

All of your emotions come directly from your thoughts (even if they’re unconscious), not from your external circumstances.

This is the BEST news!

If you are responsible for the way you feel, then you CAN CHANGE IT! By accepting that only you are responsible for how you feel, then only you can start creating more positive results. 

3. Relinquish [Trying] to Control Others

Trying to control your students’ or colleagues’ behavior or emotions is a surefire way to make yourself feel frustrated.

Focus on YOUR thoughts, emotions, actions instead. By doing so, you’ll avoid the stress that comes with attempting the impossible—controlling others—and open the door to a more relaxed and fun teaching environment. Decide on Purpose: Who do YOU want to be in this circumstance?

4. Make Peace with the "Not Fun"

Teaching, like any career, has its ups and downs. Rather than resisting the challenging parts of the job, accept them as part of the gig.

Remember the 50-50 Principle!

Accepting that you will experience negative emotions regardless of your circumstances, paradoxically brings you peace and makes the fun and positive moments even more enjoyable

5. Find Ways to Make the Mundane Fun

Even the most routine tasks can be made enjoyable with a little creativity. Turn grading into a timed challenge, or reward yourself after completing lesson plans.

Actively look for ways to inject fun into daily activities, and you’ll find that even the boring parts of teaching can bring you joy.

6. Manage Your Mind

Your thoughts create your feelings, which drive your actions and shape your results. By learning how to manage your thoughts, you can change your experience.

Recognize when you’re thinking unhelpful thoughts and remind yourself that these are not facts—they’re just thoughts, and they can be changed.

(Pssst...this is what we do in coaching sessions! Your first one is FREE! Schedule your session today!)

How can you manage your mind and intentionally think thoughts that will ultimately serve you and your students better?

By embracing these teacher self-care and mindset tips, you can transform your classroom into a space where both you and your students can thrive, enjoying more of the moments that make teaching rewarding.

If you find yourself struggling to find teaching enjoyable, I can help you. For a limited time, I can offer you a complimentary coaching session where we can take a closer look at your brain and the experience you’re creating.

Listen to the full podcast episode! 

Hi There, Teacher Friend!

If you’re spinning in shame and blame and can't seem to find your way out of it, I can help you!

For a limited time, I am offering free 1:1 coaching sessions for teachers!

Click the button below to schedule your complimentary session!

The Strength of Teachers | Brenna Nelson Coaching/Teacher Mental Health/How Teachers Can Have More FUN in the Classroom | Teacher Self-Care Tips
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Brenna Nelson

Long-time Educator turned Certified Life Coach

 Welcome to The Strength of Teachers Blog! Here we share real-life skills and practical applications that you can implement in your teacher life today!

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